Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Security Tips from Sheriff Steel!

Hey pandas! Today Sheriff Steel, the security panda of Pandanda, post and entry at Henry's blog about our Password Security. Read at what he said, they are really good Security tips.

Hello Pandanda Citizens,

Sheriff Steele here, with some advice on creating a strong and secure password for your Pandanda account. Did you know that the best protection for your account is a strong password that NOBODY knows? (Well, you can, and should, tell your parents, but that's it!) Telling your password to anyone - even your best friend - gives that person permission to go on your account. And while they are on your account, they can do pretty much
whatever they want. Just remember, YOU are responsible for your account, no matter who goes on it!

Here is today's tip:
Make a password that is VERY hard to guess.
  • Your password should be completely different from any other password you have used.
  • A strong password is one that cannot be found in the dictionary.
  • A strong password contains at least six characters - more is better. However, the limit is 18.
  • Your password should contain a mix of numbers and capital and lower case letters.
  • Your password should be something someone who knows you can't guess.
  • Never use any part of your real name, Pandanda name, or email address in your password.
Today would be a great day to check the strength of your password. If it doesn't pass the test, go ahead and create a new one! Just go to http://play.pandanda.com/, scroll to the bottom and click on Change My Password.

I'll have another security tip for you this week. Thanks for reading!

Keep it safe, Pandas!
Sheriff Steele

Well, thanks Sheriff Steel for those awesome tips! ;)


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free Elite Member Day Fun!

Hey Pandas! 
Guess what? Today is Free Elite Member Day! And today Henry came for a surprise visit to Pandanda! Here's what he has to say:

Hey Furry Friends!
I hope you are having fun during Free Elite Member Day today! I stopped in for a few minutes this morning to say Hello and bounce around in a Snizzle Fizzle bubble. Snizzle Fizzle potions make me giggle!
I snapped a couple of pictures of the Snizzle Fizzle Fun. And in case you are wondering what FEMD is, it means Free Elite Member Day! Much easier and quicker to type, don't you think?
Bouncing around in Bear Hollow
FEMD = Free Elite Member Day
Have fun today!

Hope you all enjoy FEMD!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Free Elite Day on Saturday

Hey pandas, as the tittle says *Free Elite Day on Saturday* means that there's going to be a Free Elite Day this Saturday, 27th. So don't miss out this awesome day for non-elites.

Every panda that logs in on Saturday 27th will have access for... you can use your Pandanda coins to buy anything at the Clothing Co. on East Market Street! Decorate your tree house with furniture from the House & Tree catalog, and unlock your tree house to have friends over! You can adopt a pet dragon from the Pet Shop! And you can even buy a Horse Companion from Questy, if you have reached a high enough Quest Level!

This is what Henry post on his blog:

The Harvest Festival celebration is well underway and I've seen tons of excited Pandas gathering caramel apples to trade for the awesome festival prizes. The fun continues this weekend with another Free Elite Member Day this Saturday, August 27th!

Everyone who logs in on Saturday will have full access to all of Pandanda's Elite Membership features for one day!* You can use your Pandanda coins to buy anything at the Clothing Co. on East Market Street! Decorate your tree house with furniture from the House & Tree catalog, and unlock your tree house to have friends over! You can adopt a pet dragon from the Pet Shop! And you can even buy a Horse Companion from Questy, if you have reached a high enough Quest Level!

This event is for one day only starting on Saturday at 12:01am PST and ending Saturday at 11:59pm PST so don't miss out!

*Non-Elite pandas will get to keep all the Elite items purchased Saturday but will not be able to use them after Saturday without an Elite Membership, except on future Free Elite Member Days. Questy’s Horse Companions are Elite items. Dragon eggs will remain in your tree house, and will hatch later in the week.


Don't miss out on Saturday, it's going to be fun.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Harvest Festival is here!

Hey guys! It's me, osita! Finally, today is the Harvest Festival, August 23rd! Today is also the 2nd annual Harvest Festival. Trade caramel apples to scarecrow from Harvest Grove. You can find caramel apples all around Pandanda land except tree houses that appear almost 30-20 seconds. So here are scarecrow's prizes! (Credit to Sherman's Pandanda Cheats for the pictures!)

This is how scarecrow looks like in Harvest grove, he's next to Farmer Ned.

Here are Scarecrow's prizes.

Here's how Pandanda decorations look like around Pandanda Land...

Bear Hollow

West Market Street

East Market Street

The Orchard

And Darby Field. Now look on the top right corner you'll see a big caramel apple that counts how many apples you got.

Then if you click on the big caramel apple this is what it'll say, it will introduce you to the Harvest Festival.

Also if you go to the Clothing Co. located at East Market Street, you can get this chef hat and chef apron for 45 panda gold:

Oh, and this is how the caramel apples look like when they appear around Pandanda land:

Have fun!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Harvest Festival Tomorrow and New Poll

Hiya pandas! Guess what is tomorrow? It's not only August 23rd, it's also Harvest Festival Time! 2nd Annual Harvest Festival. The fun ends on Get ready for collecting caramel apples just like last year at Harvest Festival. I guess the scarecrow will be trading awesome prizes for caramel apples.
Can't wait!

Also, Henry put a new poll on his blog- What's your favorite season of the year? I voted for summer, because school's out!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Beach Party Day Pictures

Hey pandas. Yesterday it was Beach Party Day, and I saw Henry lots of times!
So here's some pictures we want to share with you when me and firefly met Henry yesterday:

Beach Party

Beach Party 1

Beach Party 2

Beach Party 3

Beach Party 4

Beach Party 5

Beach Party 6

Beach Party 7

Beach Party 8

Beach Party 9

Beach Party 10

Now here are the pictures and what Henry said about the pictures at Beach Party Day...

Happy Beach Party Day!
(Click image to enlarge)
Coconut Beach was full of pandas having fun in the sun and sand. Let me tell you, that sand can get HOT!
Party in the sand!
(Click image to enlarge)
Coconut Beach was full of pandas having fun in the sun and sand. Let me tell you, that sand can get HOT!

(Click image to enlarge)
All that activity made us hungry, so we toasted marshmallows and made s'mores around the bonfire- so yummy!

Toasted marshmallows + chocolate + graham crackers = S'mores!
(Click image to enlarge)

I took a lot more pictures during my visits, but I am still getting them ready for the Facebook Album. Once I have it finished, I'll post the link here so everyone can have a look! Thanks for making Beach Party Day such an awesome event!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beach Party Day on Wednesday!

Hey Pandas!

In less than 7 and a half hours now, Henry will be on his first visit to Pandanda! Tomorrow (Wednesday), we will see lots of sand and hear lots of tropical music throughout Pandanda! Here is the schedule of Henry's Wednesday Beach Party visits. Just click on each link to see what time it will be where you live!

And here is a post from Henry about Beach Party Day:
(Click to enlarge)
I probably won't be able to see Henry when he is on his first visit to Pandanda because it is quite early for me lol. And I don't want to stay up all night. Well I could, but this panda needs tons of sleep :D I hope there will be some sandmans around Pandanda :D Why? Well, if there are snowmans during the winter, why not sandmans during the summer? Hehe! I hope to see tons of pandas on Beach Day! And remember to check your sandwiches! Don't eat sandwiches that are made of sand because that would taste pretty weird and sandy :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

More Blazin' Hot Red Day Pictures!

Hey Pandas! I really enjoyed Blazin' Hot Red Day, despite the fact that it was boiling over Pandanda Land! Here are some pictures that I took during Blazin' Hot Red Day and I want to share it with you guys.

And here is a post from Henry! Another Blazin' Hot Red Day review and picures:

I just got finished uploading the pictures I took during Blazin' Hot Red Day to Facebook, and let me say,  I'm glad I've got an air conditioner! Just looking at those pictures reminded me how fiery hot you all made Pandanda Land on Thursday. It is so awesome when I log in on special days like that to see so many of you participating! You rock!

Here are a couple more pictures from Thursday. You can see all of them on Facebook in the Blazin' Hot Red Day Photo Album. Remember, you don't have to be a member of Facebook to follow that link and view the album!
The blue freeze ghosts didn't stand a chance!

I hope we didn't boil the fish in the pond!
Make sure to check out the new list of Photo Album links over on the right, just under the Official Henry Tracker. I will be adding links to more Pandanda Photo Albums soon. Enjoy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

New feature on Henry's Blog!

Hey everyone!

I just noticed that there's a new feature on Henry's blog.

It's about all the facebook photo albums, all the photos we send in on those days!

The new feature is located at Henry's blog, scroll down and you'll see the feature on the right.

Here are the links of the albums on facebook, you don't have to be a member of facebook to see the pictures!

Just click on the links:

Hat day July6, 2011

Wacky Outfit Day July 26, 2011


New Clothing Co. Fashion & Red Blazin' Day Review

Hey pandas! Everyone was waiting for it, everyone was asking for it. Today is the day, new Clothing Co. Summer Fashions! Go to the clothing catalog located at the East Market Street and buy all of those cute and awesome outfits you can get.

Red Blazin' Hot Red Day was awesome! I took a few pictures yesterday. Everypanda was so blazin' red!

When I met Henry

Me and my friend pearl

Well, Henry also took a couple of pictures yesterday. Here's a little what Henry posted:

(Click image to enlarge)

He was surprised yesterday by looking at what he said. So here are the pictures he took. He's doing a facebook album to see all of the pictures.

Click images to enlarge

Click images to enlarge

That's it for now!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

New August Events Updated!

Hey Pandas!

So pretty much the title explains it all :) There are NEW August Events in the Pandanda Calendar! Here are the events that are happening right now and in the rest of the month:

  • August 11th - Blazin' Hot Red Day!
  • August 12th - New Clothing!*
  • August 17th - Beach Party!
  • August 23rd - Harvest Festival!
  • August 27th - Free Elite Day!*
So the ones that are new are the one with * beside it. You can find out more information about these events by checking the Calendar in Pandanda. Have a Blazin' Hot Red Day and don't forget to drink TONS of water during this heat!

Red Blazin' Hot Red Day!

Hey pandas! Today is Red Blazin' Hot Red Day in Pandanda! Which means that you get to wear watever you have red in your closet, red panda paint, red clothes, red accesories, petdragons, or including companions!

Here's a pic of me wearing all those red clothes I got in my closet

Now keep your eyes open, you never know when you're gonna see Henry flying through the skies like a streak of fire! He got his camara ready for Red Blazin' Hot picture!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Voting Time Again!

Hey Pandas! 

There were a total of 1,209 pandas who voted in the "What Is Your Favorite Thing To Do In Pandanda" poll. Let's find out which was voted the most favorite panda activity to do in Pandanda! So here is a quick post from Henry:

Whooo! Quests are definitely my most favorite thing to do in Panadnda. It's a great way to earn some coins and level up at the same time! What are your most favorite thing to do in Pandanda? Also, be sure to vote for this week's new poll! You can find the new poll on Henry's Blog.

If I could trade places with one of the Pandanda Residents, I would trade places with Questy Greybeard because he has all these amazing cool items! And plus, he looks like Dumbledore so it would be pretty cool to be a wizard for a day hehe. Which Pandanda Resident would you rade places with and why?


Friday, August 5, 2011

August Arrives!

Hey Pandas! Here is a blog post from Henry:

Well, my panda pals, we are entering the last month of summer. The sun is high in the sky and it is very hot in Pandanda land. I bet a lot of you are hanging out down at Coconut Beach, soaking up the sun, then taking a dip in the water to cool off. The Big Scoop is another fun place to meet your friends for a chilly cone of tasty ice cream and a game of Line 4. And don't forget about chasing ghosts at Misty Hill! If you get hot there, just let a blue ghost catch you. There's nothing like being trapped in a block of ice to cool things off!

I've got some fun events lined up for everyone this month. Next Thursday the 11th will be Blazin' Hot Red Color Day. Drench your panda in Red Panda Paint, then wear red clothes and red accessories to show the summer sun that you are red-hot!

Then on Wednesday the 17th it will be Beach Party Day! We will head over to Coconut Beach to surf, swim, picnic, and even just lay in the sun being lazy. I will be making scheduled visits during Beach Party Day. I'll post the times as we get closer to the party.

One of my favorite Festivals begins on Tuesday the 23rd - Harvest Festival! Those caramel apples look so tasty that I'd almost rather eat them than collect them to exchange for prizes. But just almost! The prizes are sure to be awesome!

There will be some more fun events added to the calendar, and I'll let you know all about them soon! But now, I'll leave you with a picture that Mod Skippers sent me from Free Elite Member Day last Saturday. Looks like a Snizzle Fizzle party! Bouncing pandas everywhere!

Wow! There will be tons of stuff going on during the month of August! On the 11th, we have Blazin' Hot Red Color Day, so be sure to wear TONS of RED! On the 17th, there will be a Beach Party Day, which Henry will schedule some visits during that day! And on the 23rd, the Harvest Festival will be starting! Where we will be able to earn some cool prizes! There will be more fun events added to the calendar soon! So be sure to watch for the calendar for any new events!


Monday, August 1, 2011

August has arrived!

Hey Pandas! Say goodbye to July and say hello to August!

Here is a list of exciting events during the month of August!
  • August 1st - Zing's New Prize!
  • August 7th - Zing Leaving Pandanda!
  • August 11th - Blazin' Hot Red Day!
  • August 17th - Beach Party!
  • August 23rd - Harvest Festival Begins!
You can click on the calendar located right beside the backpack icon for more information about these events! 

Also, this week is the LAST week to get the Zing Ballyhoo's 55th Mystery Item! The last day to get this item will be on August 7th, Sunday! So don't wait until the very last minute to get the prize. 


Zing Ballyhoo's 55th Mystery Item!

Hey Pandas! As you guys may all know, Zing Ballyhoo has already returned to Pandanda for 3 weeks now! This will be Zing Ballyhoo's 4th and final week in Pandanda. So let's continue on with this week's Zing Ballyhoo's 55th Mystery Item!

To check how many tickets you have so far, just click the golden ticket located in the upper right corner under the map button.
You have to collect 10 tickets in order to get a awesome prize or 500 coins from Zing Ballyhoo. You can find tickets anywhere except your treehouse. The tickets will appear randomly (just like cans, fruits, vegetables, gems, treasure chest etc.) Collecting the tickets may take a while. So you just have to wait a while.

Once you have collected 10 tickets, head over to the Treehouse Lobby and get you prize. When you click on Zing, you get choose either the awesome prize or 500 coins.

So this week's Zing Ballyhoo's 55th Mystery Item is a... Explorer Hat!
And here's what it looks like on me and my Player Card:
I think that this week's Zing Ballyhoo's prize is pretty cool! So what do you guys think about this week's Zing Ballyhoo's 55th Mystery Item? 